Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Plautus, A Haunted House In the play, â€Å"Plautus, A Haunted House† starts off with a young man, Philolaches, whose his father has been away from town, has been partying and has been wasting his family fortune on his mistress. While the son is in no condition to talk to his father due to being intoxicated, his slave, Tranio comes up with a scheme to deceive the old man from catching his son from partying. Tranio, redefined his role as a trickster in the play and along with all his charisma made this into a countless comedy play.In the final scene of The Haunted House, Plautus demonstrate the identity is destiny by representing the character types and personality and having them maintain their identity while everyone else goes back to status quos. Plautus, start of the play by introducing the characters types and their personality to the audience. He demonstrates how identity is destiny and how it relates to the characters in the play. To define identity is destiny it means t hat each character is given a role, and at the end of the play, the character keeps their identity and remains the same.What this mean is Philolaches plays the irresponsible guy and Tranio plays the smart clever slave. Even though this was their identity in the beginning, at the end of the play their identity didn’t change at all. In the scene where Philolaches had his friend Callidamates come up to his father so that he doesn’t have to face him and beg for his forgiveness. Callidamates said, â€Å" You know well that I'm the very closest friend your son has got. Since he's too ashamed to set a single foot in sight of you, knowing that you know all that's been done, he came and asked my help.Now I beg of you, forgive his youth and folly-he's your son. † This scene shows that even though Philolaches is a spoiled wealthy kid, it shows that his identity will remain the same. He’s always going to be the irresponsible young man who asked Tranio and CALLIDAMATE S to talked to his father because he was scared to get punished by his father. At the end of the scene, Plautus had the characters returned to their status quo. To maintain the status quo is to keep the things the way they presently are.After all the tragedy that happened, at the end of the scene everyone went back to normal. In the beginning of the scene it talks about the identity of the characters and that no matter what the situation was, the character would still maintain their own identity. The phase Identity is destiny and status quos demonstrate that no matter what the character did in the play, their personality and their role will remain the same. Plautus did a great job of defining the characters traits and imputed comedian material to his play.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Family Law Reflecting Moral and Ethical Issues

The legal system continuously endeavours and reforms to provide effective legislative remedies and modify existing legislation to reflect the changing nature of the Australian family structure. Family law has always been a colossal aspect of Australian society with many effective measures in place for family matters. Numerous values and their effectiveness have been debated through various features of family law, and these debates continue to the present day. Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by an official court decision and was once frowned upon within society, and prior to 1974, married couples who wished to divorce had to apply under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1959 (Cth) on the ground of â€Å"fault† – that is, on the basis that one or both spouses admitted to acting in a way that undermined their marriage (for example, adultery, cruelty, insanity and desertion). However, the first major change to family law in Australia occurred when the law took reform in this aspect with the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), which states that the only ground for divorce is the â€Å"irretrievable breakdown of the marriage†, such as the case in the marriage of Todd (1976), one or two of the spouses must consent for divorce. The declining influence of religion and the idea that marriage does not always â€Å"last for life† were social factors that influenced this change. The erosion of the concept of fault and the establishment of a single ground for divorce thus demonstrates changing societal values and how law is changed over time. Australian society believes that it is important to protect the disadvantaged, or those who cannot act to preserve their own rights – particularly children. After a marriage has been dissolved, it is the responsibility of both parents to provide financial support for their children as the case of Campbell and Campbell (1998) established that it is in the best interests of the child to maintain the lifestyle to which they have grown accustomed. The Australian Bureau of Statistics Marriages and Divorces 2011 Media release indicates there are 44,000 children under 18 affected by divorce. As such, the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 (Cth) requires that children receive a proper level of financial support from their parents and the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 (Cth) ensures that periodic amounts payable by parents towards the maintenance of their children are paid on a regular and timely basis. Prior to the Acts, only 40% of claims for child maintenance were being met, whereas after the Acts were passed, approximately 70% of claims are being met. The new emphasis on children’s rights and parental responsibility reflects the social perception that children are vulnerable members of our society and thus require greater legal protection. Another important change in social attitudes has been the increasing acceptance of same-sex relationships, and recent law reforms have centred on providing same-sex couples with the same rights as de facto heterosexual relationships, and removing discrimination based on sexuality. At the State level, the De Facto Relationships Act 1984 (NSW) was amended to the Property (Relationships) Act 1984 (NSW), for the growing acceptance of heterosexual and homosexual relationships highlighted by news article ‘Partners who just can’t wait (2010)‘ which states the growth in unmarried couples living together. It now recognises same-sex relationships as having the same legal standing as heterosexual de facto relationships, and thus provides protection to people in same-sex de facto relationships in property division, inheritance and decision-making in illness and after death. The Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Same Sex Relationships) Bill 2008 (NSW) creates amendments to 57 pieces of state legislation to ensure de facto couples (including same-sex couples) are treated equally with married couples. This Act also creates amendments to the Anti-discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) to ensure that same-sex couples are protected from discrimination on the basis of their â€Å"marital or domestic status† in employment, accommodation and access to goods and services, articulated in the Daily Telegraph ‘Gay couple win foster care case (2008)’, after a gay couple won $10,000 in damages when their application to become foster carers was refused. However in terms of federal laws at present, same-sex couples are unable to marry. The Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) defines marriage as â€Å"the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered into for life†, a definition established by the case of Hyde v Hyde and Woodmansee (1866) and repeated in the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). In 2004, the Commonwealth Government reconfirmed the traditional concept of marriage as the â€Å"union of a man and a woman† when it passed the Marriage Amendment Act 2004 (Cth) meaning same-sex marriage is automatically void in Australia, ncluding overseas marriages. Over time, both State and federal governments in Australia have enacted legislation to encourage and enforce practices which are not only in the public interest, but also reflect the moral and ethical standards of society. While legislative mechanisms have been reasonably successful in achieving this goal with regard to the introduction of â€Å"no-fault† divorce and the protection of children, there is the need for further review and reform of legislation concerning same-sex couples.

Personal Learning and Capacity Essay

Reading through the following pages you are able to see my weekly entries of the text I read. My interpretations and questions that occurred towards reading, my initial reactions or developments after reading and some conclusions about text and literacy. As a person I never really enjoy literature. I am not the kind of person who enjoy reading big books or long articles because is difficult for me just to know that I had to read a very long article and remember it. When I saw a big one-coloured cover book I connecting it with small letters, no space between the lines that is hard to read it and remembers me an encyclopaedia. I was always prefer reading numbers due to that I like very much maths and science. There is no long theory to remember. So as you can see on the following journal, my reading collection is very limited on books and long text except whenever is needed. Regarding the way, where and how I read, depends on what I am reading. (see Appendix 4, p.17). When the reading had to do with study I have to be very concentrate and I prefer to sit straight on a chair and open all the books and papers on a big desk. This helping me to underline or write down useful key words. On the other hand reading as a hobby, I prefer to read when is dark, lying in my bed and holding my book. In addition I find it excellent trick to listen to the music when I am reading in both ways. I like to put smooth, chill out music, because it eliminates all the rest noises and distractions and help me to get clear mind from other things I might thinking. According to first’s week directed task I had to write everything that I read for a week. The following are reflections of the most important kinds of texts I read, and those that made me reconsidered the way I looked them before. A list of other kinds of texts I gathered and a short reflection, are available in Appendix 1, p.14. As well, on the following pages you can find, my reflections towards next weeks directed activities. Entry: Even though that cooking instructions are in written form are also available to read in the form of small representing pictures. Doing this activity I notice that when I am looking for the cooking instructions my eyes always focus on that tiny pictures and can’t see the written form of the instructions. Is the first think I looked for and I realized that my eyes used to focus there first. Then I had to explore those pictures in my mind to understand the preparation for cooking the product. â€Å" Image can be used to reinforce the meaning of what is said, what is written and so on† (Jewitt, 2005 p.316). In addition I notice that after seen the pictures I look for the written form too, to make sure that I read and understand the pictures right. Entry: It just came into my mind a funny situation I had with cooking instructions, when I first came to England. Now I am not really sure if it is good idea to put it in the log but is shows the difference of reading a text, expectations, and differences between cultures, ideologies and perspectives. You can see the above funny incident by reading Appendix 2 p.15. Entry: Text messages and e-mails, that I send to my friends back to Cyprus contained a lot of information in just few sentences. I have so many to say and is a bit expensive to send messages. Due to that I limited my words by putting symbols, write only the first letter or just the half word. (instead â€Å"and† I use the symbol +). After I read again those messages I send, I realized that if someone else was reading them couldn’t be able to understand them. This is because of the â€Å"code† of the written form and the long background and ideologies that are connecting me and my friends. For example in my first message I wrote â€Å"how is c.† , but only she is able to understand the name of the person I asked about. I also recognized that in just five sentences -that represent a whole message- I wrote so many things, that if I was writing them to a paper and to someone else it would take me probably 10 sentence to write them all. Though I prefer e-mails more than the messages, because is free, and I can  write as many sentence I want in just one e-mail and send it when I feel like. â€Å"With e-mail you just write your message and send it.. Even during the early hours of the morning† (Lyle, 2005).E-mail offers fast receipt and enables the recipient to reply immediately. In addition I can write it more easier and quicker using the keyboard and looking through a bigger and more clear screen. Furthermore I can add emotions in the style of J and use from a large list of font style and size and even colour. Even though I use more Msn to communicate with my friends due to the fact that it has the same advantages as e-mailing and in addition I can send those things I write and take reply back at the same time. Is like speaking by the phone but in written form. Also I can send and take files and connect a web camera to see each other. Entry: Considering second week’s directed activity on session 2, I choose â€Å"Vampires Breath† (Greek Version) of â€Å"Goosebumps† collection to cope with the activity for identifying the ideological assumptions within its text. (see Appendix 3 p.16 for a short summary) â€Å"Vampires breath† put me in the action part from the first pages and all the action happened in only one day (in the story). Stine is very illustrative within the story because is putting many descriptions to the story’s persons and places that it seems like you can imagine them as real, as you can see them now, in reality. The motivation theory proposed by Glenberg and Langston (1992) also suggest that â€Å"illustrations may make a book more appealing and engage the reader better† (Cited in Andrews, Scharff and Moses, 2002). There is a lot of conversation and I had the feeling that I was taking part in the story and this make me curious to read more and see what happens after to the main characters. Also the double identity of the â€Å"bad† characters, who could transformed their appearance from human into buds and the tricks they were doing to trapped the 2 heroes, just made me to want to finish it. The main characters are small children that get trapped from their curiosity and naivety of searching places and things that not supposed to do. The â€Å"happy ending† though is show up at the very last pages and I like it because it gives hope that things are going to be happy again  but also leaves a hind that things are going to repeat again from the same mistake. A weird and peculiar ending that allocates a twist in the tail. Even that it was a kind of low level to me, reading the book it make me wondered, what can be happened again to those two kids. Children that the book refers to (9-12) by reading it can find themselves into the heroes situations and bad positions that might have. Reading this book I remembered mine childhood phobias and related with those in the story, and this what makes the story more interesting. Children can encountered within the story’s heroes and happenings because they can feel the same in their life as the heroes and have the simila r phobias. Moreover I notice that the good and nice language and vocabulary is approaching with the children’s age ability to read and also can reflect positive to improve their language and reading skills. With the use of big letters and large space between the lines it helps me to read it more easily and quick. For children will be very appealing and smooth to read. The soft cover, full of bright colours, is the first thing I notice to choose to read the certain book, its cover’s appearance is something that make you wonder what is the story about. Genette (1997) comes to agree by saying that â€Å"a book’s cover is a threshold that a reader is invited to interpret and step across if induced to read on† (Cited in Harris and McKenzie, 2005 p.32) Additionally I enjoyed read this book because I like scary horror books like this collection, and also I can get very afraid sometimes and at the same time so excited. Entry: In view of directed activities of session 3 you can refer to Appendix 4, p.17-24 which include detailed answers, information and reflections regarding both online texts and my personal appreciations on ways of reading, my fears, and my imagination journey. The following are short reflections from the activities as whole, based on the following two main questions: What are the essential differences between reading on line and the more traditional way How these books (texts) tell us about the nature of childhood The Secret Garden as well as The Journey to the Centre of the Earth were easy to cope with by reading online. The vocabulary and language were easy to read and comprehend, apart from 3-4 words I didn’t know (and I had to look for their meaning in a dictionary). I find harder to understand The Secret Garden because of the conversation that was held between the interact persons of the story. It was very complicated to understand them due to there were missing some letters. I had to read all the dialogues again and again for 5-6 times until I understand what actually was written on the lines. I realize then that this was the dialect of the story’s heroes. Although reading onscreen those text was much easier for me because I am a big fun of technology and especially of computers. I find it more relax and quick due to the fact that just by pressing one button you can transfer from the top of the page and through the lines until the bottom of the page and also to turn on to the next page. Letters and generally the whole view was more clear to read and easily could copy and paste the unknown words in my pc’s dictionary. Even if technology is developing more each day to help us, I can outline some disadvantages towards the traditional way of reading a text, ex from books. Through my online reading there were missing colourful covers of the books, and as I mentioned in a previous entry book’s covers are very important as a first impression of the text. And this is because covers are the first thing you see and considered when you are going to buy or read a book. The illustrations of pictures which help you to empathize better the story’s happening didn’t included on screen. Although Jewitt (2005, p329) argues about online book’s illustrations by saying that â€Å"The multimode character of the screen does not indicate a single entry point, beginning or end. This offers the reader new potentials for reading a text. Reading a written text on pages is usually a linear event in which the author and illustrator guide the eye in particular direction connected to the reading of the text† Another thing is that the lines are too long and sometimes, people that don’t used to it can get bored and tired only by looking them. In addition another disadvantage is that you can’t save this texts to your library collection except if you keep your pc’s library with books and text from internet. Although is much nicer to collect the original  books in your house library and have them for a life. The Secret Garden and The Journey to the Centre of the Earth are showing the writers’ thoughts and appreciations about the world and the aspect of child, considering the matter of friendship and cultural perspectives on children behaviours. In my opinion, the matter of friendship appeared more clear in the Secret Garden, than in the Journey in the Centre of the Earth. In the first text, the Heroine is a young children that was neglected during her life. Although Mary finds someone to socialised with, in Dickon’s personality, even if he is from lower social class. The matter of friendship also reflect on me and make me bring in mind my own appreciations of friendship. Is showing that it doesn’t matter how rich you are in money or goods, but how rich you are in sole. Also that children supposed to be free from ideologies and believes of their environment and social background. As a children, Mary is more free and innocent than adults to do things and she is not afraid to be friend with â€Å"a common moor boy†. (See Appendix 4, p.19-20). I find secret garden revealing my perceptions because I believe that friends are very important, especially in childhood but in adolescence too. Making friends we have someone to socialize talk, laugh and do things together. Furthermore is showing the author’s perspective towards the child, to be free, good innocent, and free from taboos and in one word to be perfect as Dickon. Although Dickon’s description make me feel that he is not a real person maybe because no one can be perfect in everything. Mary in the other hand appears to be more natural person in contrast with the â€Å"magical† description of Dickon. Mary feels free inside the garden which becomes her new home. The secret garden is a place of adventure and everything inside it is perfect and this is one of the reason that Mary shares her secret with the magic, and good child, Dickon. All this also showing what readers expect to see about the child. How readers interpret and expect childhood years to be and that children supposed to be good and innocent . Although reading the second text make me engage with it more because as a children I had almost the same feelings and phobias as Alex (See Appendix 4, p.22-23).â€Å"Readers interstitial backgrounds provide resources for engaging with text, even  amongst young children† (Crawford and Hade, 2000, Cited in Harris and McKenzie, 2005, p. 32) Another thing that can be reveal from the texts is adults’ role in children lives even that is more evident in the second text. Adults are the persons who are expected to be responsible and take decisions about children’s future. In the Secret Garden Mary forced to go and live in another house because she didn’t have the power not to. That’s why Mary keeps the garden as a secret place. The author wants to express that when adults are in a situation they like to control and force things and that’s why the magic perfect secret garden is only for innocent, good children. This is more obvious in â€Å"The journey in the Centre of the Earth† when the hero, Alex, who is a young children and nephew of an eccentric scientist feel very terrify and scared about, both him and his uncle lives, during their experimental purposed journey. In front of the exhaustion, thirst and hunger Alex is fainted and his uncle giving him the last drops of water, to bring him back. The Professor do not considered his thirsty because, as an adult had to take care Alex first. After Alex is terrified and express by crying his fears about the uncertain and unknown remained of the journey, his uncle take the control and the responsibility for Alex and decide to send him back to earth with the servant‘s help, to be safe. The professor still insist to stay and continue his journey, because as a scientist was so curious and determined and nothing could stop him not even the fear of death. After all, Alex do not agree with his uncle and choose to travel along with him because he didn’t want to give up or letting down his uncle. This appeared as a conflict with the first text when Mary couldn’t choose the place to move, although Alex took his decision because he might was afraid to leave without his uncle. Here, Alex is having the change to do what he wants but he refused it. and he choose to stay knowing that his uncle will do anything to protect him. Entry: First time listen to the song â€Å"I aint mad at cha† by Tupac Shakur, I have to admit that I didn’t understand a lot of what Tupac was saying apart from the chorus. Although I don’t really listen to rap music I find it very nice and  different from other songs. It sound like a smooth, sweet melody into my ears, considering the background melody of a piano. I couldn’t believe the combination of rap music with piano, although it was something that attract me. Before seeing the video clip of the song I thought that 2puc was talking to a friend that lay him down and Tupac wanted him know that he has no harm feeling for him. First time I watch the song’s video clip I was very amazing. Surprising, the clip was a expressing a very different believes of what I first encountered. The video shows Tupac being punctured with bullets on his way, coming out of a restaurant with a friend. He is dying in the ambulance vehicle and he is attend into heaven who meets some people , probably some famous legends or relatives. The film was something like Tupac knew that he was going to be killed and seeing his life in Heaven. It seems a kind of prefigured his death. Watching the film make me feel sad and miserable about his tragic end. It was very pessimistic film for someone to make and for others to see, especially after his actual death, hence he is appearing laughing, smoking, and be in Heaven in the clip. Also I saw his thoughts about how he considered the life after death and the image of Heaven and make me somehow confident about my thoughts and appreciations of the life after death in Heaven. Somehow my thoughts were revealing in the film illustrations. Despite the brutal language and street words Tupac is expressing, through the song lyrics an optimistic and hopeful massage towards his friends and relatives and then to the rest audience. ABT indicates some of the music video characteristics by claim that: â€Å"They must gain and hold the viewer’s attention †¦ help establish, visualize, or maintain the artist’s image†¦ and perhaps, carry one or several direct or indirect messages . . .† (Cited in Rybacki and Rybacki) Through the lyrics, Tupac conveys that the change of getting out from the ghetto life, is not something bad or to be ashamed of. He has no harm feelings, he is not mad with friends that been a lot of time to talk, friends that change and get out of the streets, friends that get married, find a religion and get matured. Tupac is not mad with them for not doing the â€Å"bad† things and habits they used to do together, because they change.  He has nothing but love for them. Analysing the song I realize that a large amount of life’s values and ethical ideals were encountered in it, by just few words. The matter of religion, friendship, love, the role of the mother, and the value of God. Also the lyrics are expressing the stereotype of rap music containing offensive language between the â€Å"brothers†, a nice contribution of conflict words between the bad and good, the male and female, material world and God. An optimistic ending that he is praying for the good fortune of all. The very last sentence showing that in Tupac’s efforts to display a meaning to his family, friends and enemies that he is not mad with them and don’t want them to be sad for his lost, the song meanings refers also, to those that lost their loved ones! The song script is available in Appendix 6 p.27 Entry: I was watching an episode from The Coffee shop series and it really make me reconsidered it from a whole different aspect during this activity.  The â€Å"Coffee Shop† (or â€Å"Kafeneio†* see Appendix 5, p.25 and p.25-26 for a summary of the film) is one of the most known comic series in Cyprus. All episodes are take place in the Kafeneio and showing in a funny way, some special aspects of Cypriot people’s characters. When I am in Cyprus I never watching it because there are some other new series which catch my interest. Although this day I was very miserable and sad, with nothing to do so I decide to watch Kafeneio through internet from the satellite channel of Cyprus. The episode title was â€Å"The Fiancà ©Ã¢â‚¬ . Andreas who always trying to find cheating ways to earn money decide to married his just few days girlfriend who was a rich old women reaching death. Saying that he is truly in love with her. Although they never rich marriage because the old women dies after the party. At the end Andreas ends up with no money and owns the funeral’s costs. Watching Kafeneio made me crying from laugh because of the story’s reversed happenings and the good ability of the actresses to play with in the hilarious situation. Even though laugh its all you can expect from this type of series, I also felt like home watching it. The traditional coffee, the language, the very strong Cypriot dialect, the place of Kafeneio, and the whole scene make me feel for a moment that I was back in Cyprus. Although Kafeneio is considered only for entertainment for those who  watching it, I realised that many cultural, ethical and moral issues can express from it. Good friends are always there to help you in difficult times and also the traditions of wearing black clothes for grieving death. Another thing is that money you never work hard for, can easily lost as quick as you earned them. You have to earn your money by working hard and not trying to earn them by deceitful and cheating innocent people. Entry†¦ During the module’s assessment of online presentation, as a group we choose to based our research on Cinderella story. And this, because, all group members could related with the text as it was present in our childhoods even though my group was representing 3 different cultures, countries and age groups. Doing the actual online presentation things became very complicate considering the way to present it. We wanted to make it very attractive to the audience and easy to reflect in and understand. At the beginning the presentation was going to held in Power point accompanied with animations, pictures and music. As I said in previous entry, pictures are helping the reader to comprehend better the written part, and show better some key-issues. This was going to help audience to concentrate on the themes we wanted to express more. The animations will make it more attractive to the audience and the music was going to drift and drawn them into the story itself smoothly and easier. Although we realized that doing it in power point it might produced a probability of confusion towards the audience and make a mess during their efforts to follow it. So we change our mind and decided to do it in movie maker as a video. With the movie film we wanted to make it easier to follow by the reader, without being confused or distracted from the importance of the written text, by clicking buttons. We also considered that it was going to be even more easier and relaxed for the reader to enhanced more, accompanied with music. (Much alike as watching a short video or movie, by sitting back and enjoy it.) In addition we thought that if we were using a Cinderella’s song from only one version of the Cinderella story (Disney’s song) it would be so unfair  and narrow-minded because the four versions that we analysed in the presentation are all of the same importance with their own special characteristics. So we choose a chill out instrumental music without speaking words for avoiding the readers’ thoughts to concentrate on music words and do not follow what we expressing throughout the presentation. Although it was hard to find that special song because we wanted one that its effects to go along with the page transactions and pictures and also focused on the most important information we include within the text. Another thing that was with vary importance was the time we supposed to give to our audience to read the written part of the presentation. We wanted to make sure that it was enough time to read them before the next slide show up. So we double-check the time providing for each written text by using a third slow-reader person, whose English is his second language. With this we make sure that the providing time was enough for all of our audience potentials to read. Bibliography Andrews, J., Scharff, L., & Moses, L., (2002), â€Å"The influence of illustrations in Children’s Storybooks†, AERA, Reading Psychology, Vol. 23(4), pp. 323-339.[Last viewed December 2005] Burnett, H.F., â€Å"The Secret Garden-Dickon† [www] [Last viewed October 2005] Harris, P. & McKenzie, B., (2005), â€Å"Networking around the Waterhole and other tales: the importance of relationships among texts for reading and related instruction†, UKLA, Literacy.[Last viewed December 2005] Jewitt, C., (2005), â€Å"Multimodality ‘Reading’ and ‘Writing’ for the 21st Century†, University of London, UK, Vol26, No. 3, pp. 315-331.[Last viewed December 2005] Lyle D., â€Å"E-mail Versus the telephone†, Last update 2005. Available from: URL: [Last viewed December 2005] Lyrics and songs, â€Å"Tupac- I’ aint mad at cha† (Remix) [www] Rybacki,C. K., and Rybacki, J. D., (1999),â€Å"Cultural approaches to the rhetorical analysis of selected music videos† Northern Michigan UniversityAvailable from:URL:[Last viewed November 2005] Stine, R.L., (1996), â€Å"Goosebumps: Vampire Breath†, Parachute Press Inc, New York USA Greek version: copyright by Kerdos 1998 SySat, RIK Chanel, (2005), CoffeShop: The Fiance [www][Last viewed November 2005] Verne, J., â€Å"Journey to the Centre of the Earth- The wrong road† [www][Last viewed October 2005]

Monday, July 29, 2019

What educational position needs to be made for boys with autism in Literature review

What educational position needs to be made for boys with autism in Saudi Arabia - Literature review Example This paper gives an insight into the present educational support available for the autistic children, with a special focus on the special education programs for such students in Saudi Arabia. This paper also makes a review of the studies that explored the teachers' perspectives regarding the integrative model for students with autism. To achieve better results from the various special education programs and therapies, the general and special educators, the parents of children with autism, the policymakers, and other associated professionals should bear in mind the various critical peripherals of an effective educational program for the autistic children, within the present educational system of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Autism a form of developmental disorder that makes an appearance in an individual during the first 3 years of his life, and â€Å"affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills† (PubMedHealth, Autism, 2010). This disorder, which is associated with impairment in the neural development, is characterized by faulty social and communicating skills, and in the perceived stereotyped and restricted behaviours of a child. Autism influences the information processing within the human brain that occurs due to the changes in the structure, organisation, and connection, of the nerve cells and the synapses (Levy, Mandell, and Schultz, 2009, par. Neurobiology). ... This  disorder, which is associated with impairment in the neural development,  is characterized by faulty social and  communicating skills, and in the perceived stereotyped and restricted behaviours of a child. Autism influences the information processing within the  human brain that occurs due to the changes in the structure, organisation, and connection, of the nerve cells and the  synapses (Levy, Mandell, and Schultz,  2009, par. Neurobiology). Autism is a part of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASDs) that includes three clinically recognised disorders. These are: Autism; Asperger syndrome that shows the same characteristics as Autism, but is less severe in the sense that the child shows no impairment in cognitive and language development; and  Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified  (or PDD-NOS). The PDD-NOS is diagnosed, after all the standard diagnoses tests for Autism and Asperger Syndrome have failed to meet the required criteria (Johnson, C., Scott M., and the Council on Children with Disabilities, 2007, 1183-1186). Autism can be defined as a disorder of the â€Å"affective contact, as an organic dysfunction of biological origin, and as a neurological or brain disorder† (Marwick, Dunlop and MacKay, 2005, 8). This disorder vitiates the functional abilities of a child to form appropriate social relations, and communicate effectively with those around him, while also failing to answer correctly to an external stimulus. The exact nature of the cause of this disorder still remains unknown, though many scientific papers suggest that Autism may originate from genetic mutations that take place within the human body. However, there are no clarifications, whether this disorder results from the rare pairings of some

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What is the Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) What is or was its purpose REL WK Essay

What is the Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) What is or was its purpose REL WK 5DQ - Essay Example The person who asked the philosopher to write perhaps lived with him and has seen the wisdom of the author. Therefore the book was primarily written to serve as a guide to readers in how they should live a virtuous life. The circumstances presented relate not only to the intended audience during its writing but also to contemporary readers. This is probably the reason why it is very popular even to this day. It counsels people on how to live with dignity and integrity in a world full of struggles, lies and envy. It also presents arguments about wealth, wisdom and power. The work is full of paradoxes, such as showing the wisdom of rich merchants burying their wealth to show that they have none. The author shows in his book that it is not wealth then, that makes a person what he is but how he deals with what he has. For instance, a wise person who boasts in his wisdom is in fact a fool but a humble person will always find wealth in his life because he is able to live in peace with his neighbors, not endangering his life by letting others know what he

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ferguson's article Diglossia, is his prognosis for Arabic accurate Essay

Ferguson's article Diglossia, is his prognosis for Arabic accurate today (50 years later) Is Arabic on its way to becom - Essay Example Since Arabic does not use Roman alphabet, there will be a lot of difficulties along the way. Ferguson (1963) said that Arabic alphabet is even less feasible than the Greek. He identified two most serious and obvious problems in Arabic diglossia. The first problem is transliteration of Arabic spelling and the next is the phenomic transcription of Arabic (Ferguson, 1963). Transcription is not a very easy process. Thus, this possesses a difficulty in Arabic diglossia. But even if diglossia is said to be unstable and have lots of problems, Ferguson said that it is not the case. Evidences show that it can last over the years. According to Ferguson, the use of relatively uncodified, unstable, intermediate forms of languages and repeated vocabulary items from H to L can resolve the issues of diglossia. Constant use of the language can help resolve the problem of instability. When people use the language as often as they can or even every day, they will surely keep up and get used to new wor ds and will eventually fully understand the language.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Fashion as Material Cultur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Fashion as Material Cultur - Essay Example The essay "Fashion as Material Culture" discovers the different kinds of value about clothes. Clothing fulfils its dualistic value differently. One of its main expressions as an agent and depiction of change is the concept of fashion. Clothing is at times a substantiation of change and at times a beginning of change. It is at times a way of establishing the conditions and nature of political dispute and at times a way of making an agreement. It is at times a tool of attempted dominance and at times an arsenal of opposition and disapproval. In this dualistic value, clothing functions as a communicative tool by which social change is considered, suggested, instigated, implemented, and rejected. Its analysis enables one to see the communicative part of material culture in its most revolutionary creative form. Basically, earlier research on clothing discloses the aspects of culture that can be explored in the clothing’s material culture. Cultural norms, forms, ideals, mechanisms, history, everyday communication, and social distance are all available to the scholar of material culture by means of research on clothing. The theory of the evolution of fashion appears distinct in the 21st century than in previous periods, yet so as to make sense of its current expression it may be useful to have a wide-ranging discussion of the history of the topic. Just like what Appadurai (1986) argued, â€Å"The commodity is not one kind of thing rather than another, but one phase in the life of some things.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Unilever Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Unilever Company - Essay Example The current nonexecutive director of the dual companies is Michael Treschow while the chief executive of the company is Paul Polman. The company has a sizeable slice in London stock exchange and has a rank of the eighteenth position in the stock exchange as at the close of 2011 (Murphy 2009). Back ground information Unilever Company began its operations at the start of 1930. The pioneers include Samuel Bergh, Antonius Johannes Jurgen and William Lever. This was through the amalgamation of two businesses, where the British soap makers who were the Level brothers came together with the Dutch margarine producer who was Margarine Unie in 1927. The amalgamation of the two companies was strategic in terms of the commercial benefit it would provide. This is basing on the fact that, for the production of margarine and soaps, there would be a requirement of palm oil thus the importation of palm oil, which was a key raw material, would be fast and in large quantities. This would help reduce th e number of times the product would require transportation as well as reduce the custom taxes due to importation. The palm oil in use by the companies was from Belgian Congo, where they had procurement of seven fifty thousand hectares of the forest land from where there was the extraction of palm oil. This was by labourers whose working conditions were poor as well as the labourers getting low pay. At the beginning of 1930, the Unilever business empire went global opening branches in Latin America and Africa where the initial business had taken root. During the year, there was acquiring of restraints so as to increase the company’s operations, soon after acquiring the shares, there was the sale of shares by the management so as to make an expansion in the operations of the business. By then the company was making edible fats and soaps leading to much income by the business. The purchasing of the Chesebrough-pond’s company, there was strengthening of Unilever Company. T he expansion of the Company was due to purchasing of Calvin Klein Company that was in the making of Cosmetics as well as the Farbege and Elizabeth Arden companies. The expansion has led to making of a headquarters for all its operation worldwide which is in London. The name rises up fully in the 1990s, and getting a complete charter and becoming the Unilever Company (Wilson 2009). Issues in staffing and training and development The company has the right staffing solution. To get a preview on this, there is consideration of the various issues that the company has put into place including; compliance where the employees sign contracts that show there compliance in working towards a common goal for the well being of the business. Compliance is essential for the development of the organisation in that the employees know what the management requires thus works hard to comply with the standards of the company set by the management. Another issue is retention where the company retains the working conditions of the company, by ensuring that the employees work in an able environment thus they do not have to move to other fields. Retention of their initial name and logo has come ensures that the company

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Class discussions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Class discussions - Assignment Example Redundancies are sometimes relayed through emails. This often lead to confusion amongst staff members not knowing the reasons for these actions and whether they are likely to be next in being fired. Personally I believe that there are ways in which communication in an organization can be effectively relayed and avoid misinterpretation and misinformation. Being a senior staff in an organization, I would engage my colleagues in face-to-face discussions. In an organization, this means that staff meetings are important and allow staff members of various levels in the organization to freely express thoughts and ideas on how to improve the organization. Listening Listening is defined as the act of making an effort to hear something. Recently I discovered a weakness in my listening ability, which really cost me. My boss called me into his office and requested me to re-submit a report based on an earlier fieldwork that I had undertaken, but since I did not take the time to listen I thought t hat he referred to a report based on a previously finished project. Since I had not yet finished writing the report and did not want to appear lazy, I rushed on my desk and quickly typed the rest of the latest report without proper usage of words and emailed the report to the boss. He later called me and told me that he wanted a previously done report and that since I had gone an extra mile to submit the latest report, he would go through it. I went back to my desk and resubmitted what he had asked for. The following day he summoned me to his office and told me that the latest report was shoddy and that was unlike me. You can imagine how it tarnished my good records. Electronic messages Electronic messages are messages relayed through electronic means. Emails are example of electronic messages. Recently an internal memo was sent to every employee in the organization indicating that the management had decided to scrap the evening office tea in order to cost cut on the organizations s pending budget. I jokingly typed an email with the intention of sending it to my colleague who is also a friend. The email read [the next cost cutting strategy would be for us to take turns in guarding the gate]. I accidentally entered the [send to all] button and the message reached the senior management. After twenty minutes, I received an email from the human resource warning me against inciting staff members. You can imagine how it felt. Personalization of systems System personalization is designed to suit a user’s preference and function. windows 7 has recently come up with the latest versions with improved capabilities. For example, previously it was only possible to use one wallpaper on the desktop. Users who wanted a rotation of wallpapers would require installing a software program that would swap wallpapers in regular intervals. Windows 7 now comes with an option to use multiple wallpapers that rotate automatically depending on a user’s mood. Personalization based on language preference can be instrumental in enabling users speaking different languages to translate and understand information being relayed (Panek, W and Wentworth, T, 2010). Some of the common features present in all the three windows 7 editions include improved desktop navigation and home group. The new desktop features include a retooled taskbar that is redesigned to help the user work smarter and cut clutter. It also

Summarizing Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summarizing - Article Example The article also deals with the idea of government subsidies in funding research projects and comes up with the finding that government subsidies often harm the poor and the middle classes more than they help them. The practice of providing subsidies is more often than not, according to the writer, justified using the rhetoric of unemployment and the need to provide more work to American companies. This is not however, what the character Dave argues for. He looks at the negligible difference that a fall in demand in the American market would create in the world market and puts into perspective the influence that tariffs imposed by the government could have on producing more jobs. He looks at the problems with introducing a tariff against foreign-produced goods as Ed says (Protection). The idea of free trade that Dave argues for is more often than not refuted by proponents of government intervention citing the reason of ‘fair trade’. This implies the ability of firms with in a country to be protected against the onslaught of foreign companies that may have more money and power (Edge). However, providing subsidies may not push down the price of goods in the local economy. They would not benefit the local consumer. Apart from this, there is also no data available to substantiate the argument that local businesses would be at an advantage as their cost of production may still be higher than that of the foreign company. To increase the tariff to an extent where the foreign firms would not be able to compete would take jobs away from the American market rather than boost the economy. The difference in price would be transferred on to the local consumers. Dave also warns about the possibility of other countries imposing equally large taxes on American firms. This would lead to greater problems in the long run for the American economy and its people. There is also the possibility of there being lobbies that affect the government’s decisions. Much of the tariffs that are imposed on products are based on the political power and influence that local firms have rather than the economic wisdom of the decision. The people who suffer amidst all of this are the taxpayers. The idea of free trade involves the assumption that what is required by a particular consumer would be provided by the market according to the laws of demand and supply (Rothbard â€Å"Free Market†). The idea of free trade is then in direct conflict with the ideas of protectionism which let certain elements have an advantage based on the support of the government. This is unsustainable in a free market in a globalized setup as it would lead to the kind of problems that are detailed above. The existence of two systems in conflict with each other can only prove to be disastrous in the long run. The adverse impact of such a policy can be seen in the economic slump that is experienced by Japan at this point of time (Rothbard â€Å"Protectionism and the Destruction of Prosperity†). The policies that are created according to such ideologies more often than not end up harming large sections of the taxpaying population in the country. The article illustrates the problems with the kind of funding that is provided by the government to private concerns. The essay suggests that they end up benefitting certain individuals while causing greater harm to the middle classes. The money that they pay is used for such funding; however, the benefits are reaped by the richest sections of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

SATS Air Cargo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

SATS Air Cargo - Essay Example Correspondingly, the organizational operations of SATS have also seen changes over the years owing to the changing nature of its customers. With the increasing number of customers in the cargo sector of the airline market, SATS initiated the SIA Superhub 2 also known as the Airfreight Terminal 6 in the year 2001 with an investment of around $270 million. This approach of the company accompanied it with the ability to handle 800,000 tonnes of cargo per year, which was also accounted among the biggest capacities during that time. Furthermore, the customers in the cargo handling sector of the airline industry have also become more attracted towards online web based operations in course of time. Contextually, SATS introduced the web-based cargo tracking services in the year 2003 in order to meet the changing expectations of the customers (SATS 20111). Increased Competition With the augmented number of operations of various companies in the cargo sector of the airline industry, the compet ition has become more intense. ... This step of the company ensured the loyalty of the customers with the company for a longer period of time. Moreover, in similar regard, it has also introduced a new brand promise to the customers, which further states as â€Å"One with you† (SATS 20111). Furthermore, since there are various numbers of companies offering similar kind of products to the customers, only effective or innovative services would ensure enhanced operational services for any company including SATS. To comply with this aspect, the company has been continuously changing its service offering patterns to the customers so that their valuable association with the company continues for a longer period of time (SATS 20111). Part 2- SATS Air Cargo Competition SATS DHL Singapore Airlines Market Share .0019% 11.49% .0.02% Share Price as of Submission .31% (2013) Singapore Exchange 1.03 % (2013) (Singapore Exchange n.d.) .48% (2013) (Singapore Exchange n.d.) Stock Turnover 27.70 (2013) (Singapore Exchange n.d.) 2 3.56 (2013) (Singapore Exchange n.d.) 35.50 (2013) (Singapore Exchange n.d.) Revenue 2008- S$1,062,094 2009- S$ 1,538,906 2010- S$ 1,729,131 2011- S$ 1,685,413 2012- S$ 1,818,992 (SATS 20112) 2008- S$ 7,474,908,000 2009- S$ 6,175,362,000 2010- S$ 7,525,278,000 2011- S$ 8,223,343,128 2012- S$ 8,405,745,600 (Deutsche Post AG 2013) 2008- S$ 186,245 2009- S$ 181,752 2010- S$ 145,834 2011- S$ 159,980 2012- S$ 169,157 (Singapore Airlines 2012) Resources People: The chairman of the Edmund Cheng Wai Wing was appointed in the year 2012. Apart from him, there are also some other crucial members altogether forming the management team of the organization. Brand Position: With more than 60 years of operations in the airline industry, the company has acquired the reputation to be called as one of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Elderly Care Ministry Proposal Essay Example for Free

Elderly Care Ministry Proposal Essay We are grateful to our church elders for recognizing the need to minister to the elderly people who reside in our community’s assisted living facility, and for their desire to impact the residents, their families and over time the community at large with the love of Jesus Christ. We appreciate the confidence and support bestowed upon us in designing a ministry plan to care for both member and non-member elderly residents. It is our goal to establish a ministry that will be the â€Å"hands and feet† of Christ, exemplifying His love and care for the aging in an encouraging positive manner through ministry programs that are relevant and meaningful. Working in conjunction with our local assisted living facility which greatly welcomes volunteer assistance, each ministry leader has prepared a proposal for a particular area that has been identified as pertinent to aging adults. The following proposal is divided into seven sub-ministry areas, identifying the dynamic relationship on aging and the impact our ministries will make: Exercise The purpose of exercise in the context of this ministry to aging adults is to assist in overall physical health and mental acuity and aid in an enjoyable time of social interaction to enhance one’s overall quality of life. Time with older adults will offer the leaders and team members an opportunity to interact and build relationships with people leading to spiritual conversations and encouragement. Research Older adults who exercise regularly may slow the onset and progression of chronic disease and limit the development of disabling conditions while increasing active life expectancy, and may experience significant psychological and cognitive benefits (Chodzko-Zajko, 2009). Guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine regarding types and amounts of physical exercise for older adults include consistent aerobic exercise, muscular strength training, and flexibility (Chodzko-Zajko, 2009). Other studies suggest that physical exercise may be as effective as drug treatment for cognitive impairment in the aging brain (Asha, 2009). Scientific studies recommend that staying physically active, eating a heart-healthy diet and having social involvement may help maintain not only body, but also brain health (Corwin, 2009). Implementation The activities director at this facility leads a physical exercise session with the residents each morning five days a week. There are a number of things this ministry can do to assist. As leaders and team members come to implement each area of ministry, they will make themselves available to develop friendships with the residents and encourage residents in physical exercise, in life, and in their walk with God, while welcoming others toward a relationship with Jesus Christ. 1. There is an ongoing need for educated speakers to encourage the residents regarding the overall health benefits of physical and cognitive exercise along with the impact of eating well and having an active social life. This ministry leader will invite individual believers in Christ who work in various fields related to physical exercise and health disciplines to come every other month to speak and encourage the residents. Presently we have in our church a wellness coordinator, a nurse, several medical students, an exercise physiologist, a strength trainer, a nutritionist, and a psychologist with a specialty in geriatrics, as well as a social worker who has worked with many senior citizens with cognitive impairments. Each of these individuals will be happy to make a presentation to the residents regarding the need for a consistent, healthy life style and why it is important for older adults. The speakers will be encouraged to end their presentation by addressing the following question from a biblical perspective, â€Å"Why should I care about exercise or want to improve my life when I won’t be around much longer?† and point out the worth each person has to God and the value they bring to every relationship, and to life in general (Psalm 139, New International Version). 2. Many of the residents are unable to go outside for walks unassisted. A team of people have volunteered to visit on a regular basis to walk outside with residents, and continue their walks and friendships inside in inclement weather. 3. The strength trainer at our church has volunteered to teach and assist residents in their use of weights and then lead a time of weight training on an ongoing basis as a part of this ministry. He will also train other members to assist and lead in this area of ministry. Included with his strength training he plans to talk about the strength found in Jesus Christ. 4. A dance instructor at our church has volunteered to do flexibility training along with teaching line dancing, even with a wheel chair section, and then hold dances every other month. Conclusion The improvements in offerings related to the area of exercise fulfill the ministry purpose of helping residents have a better quality of life, and the overall purpose of encouraging them through an expression of God’s love while pointing people to the hope found in Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Los Vendidos Play Analysis

Los Vendidos Play Analysis Beyond an energetic and comical playwright, Luis Valdez Los Vendidos is an accurate reflection of the contemporary American society, focusing on how Mexicans are perceived in this society. The play abounds in stereotypes about Mexicans, which is why the main theme of Los Vendidos is stereotyping. Stereotypes appear in societies because the dominant majority has difficulties in understanding the specificities of particular minorities, as it is the case of the Mexicans, portrayed in Los Vendidos. Nevertheless, stereotypes are nurtured as a modality of keeping minorities socio economically repressed and inferior to the dominant race in the society (Escobar p. 562). By portraying the main stereotypes that are used to refer to Mexicans in United States, such as farm workers, gang members or revolucionarios, Valdez describes the identity crisis experienced by Mexicans, who are trying to resist to the cultural assimilation of becoming Americans. The plot of this play revolves around an intended sale, wherein Miss Jimenez, a secretary of the Presidential administration is on a mission to purchase a Mexican model, in order to appeal to the Mexican electorate. Honest Sancho, the owner of the store that sells Mexican models, introduces to Miss Jimenez three types of Mexicans that she can purchase: the farm worker, the gang member and the revolutionary, exemplifying like this the main stereotypes with which Mexicans are associated in United States. The sole idea that the members of a race can relate with a single model, a robot that is believed to encompass the distinctiveness of an entire race is based on a prejudice (Kassin, Fein Markus p. 155). Another problem that the play raises in relation with the stereotypes created for Mexicans in United States, is that Mexicans themselves came to identify with the stereotypes that the American society created to define them. As such, Honest Sancho admits the main models of stereotyping existent in the American society and promotes them for sale. Although Honest Sancho seems to be interested in his business, exploiting the American culture of stereotyping in order to be profitable, there is, nevertheless, a truth in the fact that Mexicans adhere to the stereotypes created for them and transmit them from a generation to another. The fact that the typical Mexican people living in United States are represented through robots suggests the idea that Mexicans are not seen as humans, but as machines, hence the objectification of this people (Belkin p. 17). Honest Sanchos robots are seemingly created to serve the American society through their hard work, as exemplified by the farm worker, who is built close to the ground, durable, friendly and loves his patroness (Valdez pp. 41-42). On the other hand, the other machines that describe the stereotypical roles of Chicanos in U.S., respectively the gang member and the revolutionary. Yet, the roles of these Mexican models are also well justified, because they serve as criminals that get arrested (Valdez 44). In this sense, they are fulfilling the social role of criminality, serving as the scape goats for the malfunctions of the American society. Through the Mexican robots kept in store to be sold, Valdez demonstrates that the stereotypes have a functional role in soci ety, serving as the servers or the people to be blamed by the dominant race. This reinforces the idea that stereotyping is a form of racism that generates feelings of superiority from the dominant race towards minorities (Escobar 562). Although she is also a representative of the Mexican people in United States, Miss Jimenez identifies more with the dominant Americans than with Chicanos. Just as the white Americans, Miss Jimenez fails to admit the individuality of Mexicans, although she too, is a Mexican American, or una chicana (Valdez 41). On the other hand, she seems to be ignorant of the stereotypes and prejudices that Mexicans experience in United States. As such, when Honest Sancho describes to her that the farm worker is cutting grapes, she responds Oh, I wouldnt know (Valdez 42). This scene raises the question of whether one needs to dissociate of his national identity in order to escape the stereotypes associated with ones race. As such, Miss Jimenez insists that her name should be pronounced using English and not Spanish pronunciation, correcting Honest Sancho and admonishing him for his lack of good English skills, when he addresses her in a Mexican style: My name is Miss JIM-enez. Dont you speak English? Whats wrong with you? (Valdez p. 41). Although the play critiques the American society for its lack of cultural sensitivity to Mexican people, arguing that Americans consider all Mexicans as either farm workers, gang members or revolutionary, Miss Jimenez is the exception that deconstructs this myth. She is a Secretary in the U.S. government, therefore, she is educated, urban, modern, possessing all the features of the casual American. As Belkin (p. 18) observes, she is assimilated. In contrast with her, all the other Mexicans, who fail to become Americans and stick to their Mexican identities are considered stupid, uneducated or violent (Valdez p. 48; Belkin p. 18). Nevertheless, the play transmits mixed impressions about what the American society expects from the Mexicans, which further perpetuates the racial stereotypes directed at this nationality. As such, Miss Jimenez, as the representative of the American government, seeks a Mexican model that is educated, knows good English and a romantic figure to attract the women electorate. These values do not describe Mexican stereotypes, but the product of cultural assimilation (Belkin 18). On the other hand, through the character of Miss Jimenez, the play writer transmits the idea that the American society expects the Mexicans to be cheap. The constant question of Miss Jimenez is he economical (Valdez pp. 42 49) acts like a leitmotif in the play, putting an equal sign between Mexicans and cheap labor force. Cheap labor force is a stereotypical representation of Mexicans, one which is desired and expected by the white Americans, even from the educated and acculturated Mexicans. As such, speaking for the U.S. government, Miss Jimenez seems shocked to hear that the price for the educated Mexican is $ 15,000, asking Fifteen thousand dollars? For a Mexican!!! (Valdez 50). In other words, while the American society expects the Mexicans to become acculturated and integrated, acting and behaving like normal Americans, they still expect them to be cheaper, hence perpetuating the socio economical oppression of this people through prescriptive stereotypes (features widely accepted as defining roles or behaviors) (Corell and Benard 5). What started as a comical play developed complex sociological concepts of assimilation, acculturation or stereotyping. Stereotyping is the central theme of the play and it is vividly represented through all the characters presented in the play (Honest Sancho, Miss Jimenez and the robots). In addition, the social expectations from the Mexicans also perpetuate the stereotypes that keep this people in socio economical oppression to the dominant race in U.S. Las Vendidos teaches audiences about the danger that lies in stereotyping, which can take the form of economic oppression or riots. Stereotyping is more than a form of social discrimination; it is a lifestyle by which the dominant majority and the vulnerable minority live, abiding to the socially shaped misconceptions about how minorities should be or how they should act. Works Cited Belkin, Elena. Changing Fronts in La Lucha Chicana: Cultural Construction of Class, Race, and Gender in Chicano/a Literature. Ohio: Ohio State University. 2008. Print. Correll, Shelley, J. and Benard, Stephen. Gender and Racial Bias in Hiring. [Online] 21 March, 2006. Available at 7 March, 2017. Escobar, Angela Sanchez. Chicanos: Stereotypes and Search for Self Identity as Seen through Literature. CUACE 14-15: 561-571. 1992. Print. Kassin, Saul, Fein, Steven Markus, Hazel Rose. Social Psychology. Belmont: Wadsworth. 2014. Print. Valdez, Luis. Luis Valdez Early Works: Across, Bernabe and Pensamiento Serpentino. Texas: Arte Publico Press. 1994. 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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Skills and Responsibilities of a Nutritionist

Skills and Responsibilities of a Nutritionist Monica Suzanne B. Castro Career Investigated: Nutrition/Diet Specialist Part 1: Educational and Career Goals There are many reasons why I chose to study nutrition. A) I will have opportunities in various fields that involve advising people on what to eat, so jobs often are easier to come by than they are in other fields. B) I will be able to work with those who are ill or need a special diet, in which case a hospital, nursing home or treatment center may be the best option for a job. C) I can become a private nutritionist, all types of people can come to me for advice on how to eat right. The nutrition industry is a field of healthcare focused on improving everyday health and state of well-being. I enjoy activities often associated with nutrition and fitness including yoga, running, outdoor activities, meditation, healthy diet, organic living, and more. My goal is to further my education, get certified and become a nutrition specialist. As the health and fitness trend is sweeping the world, it is affecting and revolutionizing the health industry like never before. The demand for young, ambitious health and wellness graduates is continuously rising and a myriad of great job opportunities are opening up in different fields of nutrition science. With the growth in this industry there is an increasing scope of enjoying a successful career in this exciting field of healthcare. It is hard work, and for the dedicated, the pay can be very good to excellent. But I would do it because I want to share my knowledge and help other people, not for the money. Part 2: Employment Opportunities and Applications of Applied Learning Potential Employers Job title: Nutrition Specialist GENERAL PURPOSE: Under close supervision, prepares hot and nutritious meals for homebound individuals and senior citizens. Qualifications Education and Experience: Two (2) years of meal preparation experience OR an equivalent combination of education and experience providing requisite skills to successfully perform position requirements. Special Requirements: Must possess Food Handler’s Card at time of hire. Physical Demands / Work Environment: Works in an industrial kitchen and senior center facility. Must be able to lift up to 50 lbs. without assistance, greater than 50 lbs. with assistance or use of mechanical aid. Miscellaneous Information Reports To: Community Center Manager Supervision Exercised: None Job Title: Nutrition Specialist/Outreach Worker PREFERRED MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Graduation from high school or GED equivalent, with previous public contact work experience preferred. Previous supervisory experience preferred. Two years of Food Service training required. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: (A) Ability to learn standard Microsoft software and Food Works software. (B) Ability to obtain yearly Food Safety Sanitation Training. (C) Ability to obtain CPR and First Aide training. (D) Ability to drive a motor vehicle. (E) Ability to handle stressful situations. (F) Ability to perform duties with a high degree of attention to detail with a high degree of accuracy. (G) Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with Older Americans staff and the general public. Job Title: Nutrition Specialist Qualifications: Two years’ experience as a cook in a non-fast food restaurant or healthcare setting. Familiarity with basic kitchen principles, portioning, stock management. High School Diploma or equivalent, Oregon Food Handlers card ServSafe Certification preferred. Experience growth and development through our continuous training, as well as tuition and licensure reimbursement, or pursue opportunities to advance both clinically and administratively with Youth Villages. Job Title: Nutrition Assistant In this position you will: Assemble and deliver patient, visitor, and staff meal orders in a high-volume, fast-paced environment to patients’ rooms or designated location. Visit patients who did not place a meal order and assist them as appropriate Maintain cash bank and process cash sale orders Retrieve meal trays from patients rooms Requiredqualifications for this position include: -High school Diploma or GED -Related customer service experience Job Title: Nutrition Services Substitute Essential job functions include the following: Assist with preparation of meals according to specifications from the Cook Manager, Head Satellite Cook or Nutrition Services Specialist. Clean all food service equipment and preparation and service areas; wash dishes, pots, pans and utensils used in preparation and service of meal. Set up serving line and gather carts, trays, napkins and utensils; place items in proper location for customers. Serve food to students and staff. Other functions of the job include but are not limited to the following: Operate computerized register (Point of Sale System). Attend workshops and in-services for continued professional growth and training. Other duties as assigned. Knowledge, Skills And Abilities Required: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Understand and follow oral and written directions. Understanding of sanitation and safety practices related to handling and serving food. Ability to use standard kitchen equipment, utensils and measurements. Basic food preparation including washing, cutting and assembling food items and ingredients. Regular attendance. Physical Requirements: Continuously stand, reach with one or both hands, lift up to 15 pounds; frequently twist, lift up to 40 pounds, push and pull up to 15 pounds; occasionally crouch, kneel, stoop, lift up to 50 pounds. Potential Customers In My Local Area Rachel Geller – She is interested in getting a personal nutritionist. She is trying to eat healthier and shred some unwanted pounds. In order to accomplish her goals, I have to discuss and tackle her personalized eating and exercise plan, she will have to start off slow and eventually work her way up, to an everyday natural routine. She will have to start a daily food diary; it will aid her in keeping track of her daily calorie intake. It will also aid her by showing what recommendations she need and how much of them she need, that way she can fulfill her daily nutritional recommendations. The Skills I Have Obtained Nowadays, the requirement for academic achievement play less important role as compared to the soft skills. Competitive world has led the organizations set up their recruitment based on other non-academic factors. Knowledge is being gained through experience, not from the formulae from the prescribed syllabus. The knowledge gained from syllabus 3 years ago is not necessarily applicable in today’s scenario. Therefore, students like me have to update ourselves with general knowledge and current issues happening in the world. I believe that in applying all of my lifelong studies, the lifelong study definitely increase my general knowledge and skills. I am more sensitive about the dynamic environment, have higher flexibility to make my future career as a nutritionist better. Part 3: Continuing Education and Career Development I want to further my education in nutrition sciences by researching and taking online programs. I believe in long life learning and self-paced studies. It will give me many opportunities to intensify my skills while pursuing my occupation. Having access to World Wide Web all over the world, with the information I need at my fingertips will propel me to a higher level of intellectual aptness. The immense number of nutrition programs available over the internet enables me to arm myself with the knowledge needed to aid me on any project or endeavor that I may attempt. Ashworth College is one of those ideal online institution that helped me pursue my dreams and ambitions to become a nutritionist. It goes above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that its students become useful members of society. As I commence my journey into real life challenges, Ashworth College will be my guide making sure that I follow the right track into the future. Two Universities I plan to apply after Ashworth College: Kaplan University – Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Science Total Core Credits: 33 Total Program Credits: 180 In this program you will explore various topics, concepts, values, research methods, and applications in nutrition science. Your coursework will focus on: Exploring the principles and pharmacology of nutrition and how dietary choices can contribute to a healthy lifestyle Acquiring an understanding of digestion, absorption, and metabolism of foods and nutritional needs at various stages of the life cycle Developing the administrative, ethical, and professional skills necessary for leadership positions throughout the health care field Completing an original comprehensive capstone project that demonstrates your ability to apply your nutrition science knowledge and skills to real-world scenarios University of South Dakota – Bachelor in Health Sciences This online Health Science degree program provides the opportunity for students with an interest in the health professions to explore the many opportunities in the field and to develop the knowledge, values and interpersonal skills needed to be successful in todays health and human service settings. Certifications Related to My Field of Study The Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists (CBNS) The Clinical Nutrition Certification Board (CNCB) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Tax-exempt certification agency which provides professional training, examination and certification for health care organizations, specialty credentialing programs and state license/certification examinations. The Purpose of Certification The Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN) Examination Establishes reputable standards of excellence * Creation of a quality examination, based on a validated scope of practice which appropriately represents the field of clinical nutrition * Candidate access to the broad scope of clinical nutrition training and * A mechanism for re-certification every five years, recognizing continued competency in the field. The CCN Examination Candidate must: 1. Satisfy the CORE Requirements 2. Submit Credential Review Application and College Transcripts 3. Obtain Credential Review Approval 4. Complete the Post Graduate Studies in Clinical Nutrition Program (PGSCN) â„ ¢ 5. Achieve a passing score on the written CCN Examination The CCN Examination processes and the examination data bank are reviewed and revised annually, in accordance with the specifications of the Role Delineation Study. The CNCB utilizes a criterion referenced passing point for each section of the certification examination. To obtain a Certificate of Completion in the field of Clinical Nutrition ONLY: Candidate does not meet the minimum standard in core coursework or degree(s). 1. Submit your Candidate Profile Page to the CNCB. 2. Complete the 56 hour PGSCN course to obtain a Certificate of Completion in the field of Clinical Nutrition through the Clinical Nutrition Certification Board. MAINTAINING THE CERTIFICATION The CCN Credential requires on-going maintenance to verify that the practitioner is continuing to update knowledge and skills: Forty approved CE Hours every 2 years, fulfilled by the following; 1. Attendance at three out of four IAACN Annual Scientific Symposiums (60 CEs earned). 2. Payment of Annual CNCB Maintenance Fee. (No refunds in part or in full) 3. Recertification in the spring of your fifth year via annual study textbooks with contracted Open Book Exam. Recertification Text books total 24 CE hours. The CCN Continuing Education Maintenance Requirement of attendance at 3-out-of-every-4 IAACN Scientific Symposiums will satisfy the above stated CE requirements. Part 4: Job Application Details Applicant’s Name (last) Castro First Middle Initial B. Monica Suzanne Social Security #: 518-50-7839 Mailing Address (Number) Street 1632 N Normandie Avenue, Apt 315 Work Telephone # (323) 345 5839 City Los Angeles Zip code 90027 State California Education Name of School FT Career College Ashworth College Location of School Los Angeles, CA 6625 The Corners Parkway, Suite 500 Norcross, Georgia 30092 Degree or Course of Study Certified Nursing Assistant Nutrition, Diet and Health Science Date Completed May 2013 March 2014 Employment History – Begin with your most recent job. List Job Separately Job Title: Nursing Assistant Dates worked from 2012 to Present Name of Employer: Mark Auria Name of Supervisor: Estelle Francia Duties Performed: Experienced ambulatory and non- ambulatory elderly patients. Administered medication, documented food and fluid intake, measured and charted vital signs, prepared meals, provided personal care including feeding, grooming and dressing. PERSONAL REFERENCES: List the names of references that employers may contact. 1 Name Noelia Black Telephone # (323) 345 8709 Relationship Instructor Address: City State 123 Easton Blvd., Los Angeles CA Zip code 90078 2 Name April Sky Telephone # (434) 346 7563 Relationship Teacher Address: City State 564 Walnut Drive Los Angeles CA Zip code 90045

Kitchen Science :: physics science

EGGS "A ""A Hne"A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg." ~ Samuel Butler making another egg." "Besides for being a staple ingredient in cookie dough, we like eggs because there's lots of science involved with them." ~Blake Rider One of the most notable characteristic of an egg is how much an egg white can foam up. Why does this happen? Eggs are approximately 90 percent water and 10 percent protein. There is an electrical attraction between water molecules (for this reason you won't get any results from trying to whip up water alone) and when you beat them you are allowing the proteins to break apart the water molecules. When they get farther apart, the electric attraction decreases which allows the egg whites to spread out and bonds to form between the proteins. Over beaten eggs really means that too many bonds formed between the proteins and you can actually help to prevent this by adding vinegar. Vinegar is an acid so its particles are positively charged. These charged particles join charged protein, neutralizing them and making them less likely to form bonds with other proteins. Cold eggs whites will be more difficult to beat into a foam, because the air bubbles will be smaller and more difficult to seperate than egg whites at room temperature. Boiling eggs: Have you ever hard boiled an egg and it ended up with a flat edge on one side? Eggs have a small pocket of air trapped in-between the flatter end of the egg and the shell. When the eggs are boiled the temperature rises and so does the volume of the air pockets which do not allow for the flatter ends to cook up against the shell and will, therefore, end up with one side flatter. Solution? If you happen to be an egg connoisseur and want that full egg shape is all you have to do is poke a hold with a small needle through the outer membrane of the shell. As the pressure builds, the air will be pushed out into the boiling water (so you should see a stream of bubbles coming from the egg) but the egg white will not be able to escape through the inner membrane. The result will be a perfectly egg shaped egg. Discoloration: Anyone who has hard boiled eggs before probably has noticed that the yolk will sometimes have a dark greenish tint to it. Kitchen Science :: physics science EGGS "A ""A Hne"A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg." ~ Samuel Butler making another egg." "Besides for being a staple ingredient in cookie dough, we like eggs because there's lots of science involved with them." ~Blake Rider One of the most notable characteristic of an egg is how much an egg white can foam up. Why does this happen? Eggs are approximately 90 percent water and 10 percent protein. There is an electrical attraction between water molecules (for this reason you won't get any results from trying to whip up water alone) and when you beat them you are allowing the proteins to break apart the water molecules. When they get farther apart, the electric attraction decreases which allows the egg whites to spread out and bonds to form between the proteins. Over beaten eggs really means that too many bonds formed between the proteins and you can actually help to prevent this by adding vinegar. Vinegar is an acid so its particles are positively charged. These charged particles join charged protein, neutralizing them and making them less likely to form bonds with other proteins. Cold eggs whites will be more difficult to beat into a foam, because the air bubbles will be smaller and more difficult to seperate than egg whites at room temperature. Boiling eggs: Have you ever hard boiled an egg and it ended up with a flat edge on one side? Eggs have a small pocket of air trapped in-between the flatter end of the egg and the shell. When the eggs are boiled the temperature rises and so does the volume of the air pockets which do not allow for the flatter ends to cook up against the shell and will, therefore, end up with one side flatter. Solution? If you happen to be an egg connoisseur and want that full egg shape is all you have to do is poke a hold with a small needle through the outer membrane of the shell. As the pressure builds, the air will be pushed out into the boiling water (so you should see a stream of bubbles coming from the egg) but the egg white will not be able to escape through the inner membrane. The result will be a perfectly egg shaped egg. Discoloration: Anyone who has hard boiled eggs before probably has noticed that the yolk will sometimes have a dark greenish tint to it.

Friday, July 19, 2019

James Baldwin Essays -- Biography Bio

For The World to See James Baldwin was a man who wrote an exceptional amount of essays. He enticed audiences differing in race, sexuality, ethnic background, government preference and so much more. Each piece is a circulation of emotions and a teeter-totter on where he balances personal experiences and worldly events to the way you feel. Not only did he have the ability to catch readers’ attention through writing, but he also appeared on television a few times. Boston’s local public television station WGBH, under the leadership of Hartford Gunn, presented an array of educational and cultural programming. Similar to an earlier interview, in a 1963 taping of â€Å"The Negro and the American Promise,† Baldwin is interviewed by Dr. Kenneth Clark. This happened just months after Alabama’s governor, George Wallace, expressed his support of â€Å"segregation forever† (qtd. in PBS Online). To inflect the possibility that blacks were not as equal or fairly treated as whites in the mid-twentieth century, two very different African Americans were brought on air. Malcolm X based his interview on historical and present references, but James Baldwin took a more personal approach. As a grown black male Baldwin had encompassed a range of experiences, both horrifying and gratuitous. Those occurrences most treacherous were a focal point when he adds that, â€Å"It doesn’t matter any longer what you do to me; you can put me in jail, you can kill me. By the time I was 17, you’d done everything that you could do to me† (â€Å"The Negro† 2). Reflecting back on â€Å"Down at the Cross† for a moment, Baldwin starts by explaining the metamorphosis of both the black girls and boys. Most of his friends became pimps and whores, and the b... ...erance for those who are disrespectful, but realizes that people can and hopefully will change and that we need each other to change. The New York Times described the James Baldwin segment as "a television experience that seared the conscience" (qtd. in PBS Online). In one instance Baldwin makes a hearty and honest â€Å"can’t we all get along† statement. â€Å"In short, we, the black and the white, deeply need each other here if we are really to become a nation – if we are really, that is, to achieve our identity, our maturity as men and women† (Baldwin 342). Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Down at the Cross.† 1962. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 296-347. â€Å"The Negro and the American Promise.† Citizen King. 2004. PBS Online. 10 Mar. 2004 . James Baldwin Essays -- Biography Bio For The World to See James Baldwin was a man who wrote an exceptional amount of essays. He enticed audiences differing in race, sexuality, ethnic background, government preference and so much more. Each piece is a circulation of emotions and a teeter-totter on where he balances personal experiences and worldly events to the way you feel. Not only did he have the ability to catch readers’ attention through writing, but he also appeared on television a few times. Boston’s local public television station WGBH, under the leadership of Hartford Gunn, presented an array of educational and cultural programming. Similar to an earlier interview, in a 1963 taping of â€Å"The Negro and the American Promise,† Baldwin is interviewed by Dr. Kenneth Clark. This happened just months after Alabama’s governor, George Wallace, expressed his support of â€Å"segregation forever† (qtd. in PBS Online). To inflect the possibility that blacks were not as equal or fairly treated as whites in the mid-twentieth century, two very different African Americans were brought on air. Malcolm X based his interview on historical and present references, but James Baldwin took a more personal approach. As a grown black male Baldwin had encompassed a range of experiences, both horrifying and gratuitous. Those occurrences most treacherous were a focal point when he adds that, â€Å"It doesn’t matter any longer what you do to me; you can put me in jail, you can kill me. By the time I was 17, you’d done everything that you could do to me† (â€Å"The Negro† 2). Reflecting back on â€Å"Down at the Cross† for a moment, Baldwin starts by explaining the metamorphosis of both the black girls and boys. Most of his friends became pimps and whores, and the b... ...erance for those who are disrespectful, but realizes that people can and hopefully will change and that we need each other to change. The New York Times described the James Baldwin segment as "a television experience that seared the conscience" (qtd. in PBS Online). In one instance Baldwin makes a hearty and honest â€Å"can’t we all get along† statement. â€Å"In short, we, the black and the white, deeply need each other here if we are really to become a nation – if we are really, that is, to achieve our identity, our maturity as men and women† (Baldwin 342). Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Down at the Cross.† 1962. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 296-347. â€Å"The Negro and the American Promise.† Citizen King. 2004. PBS Online. 10 Mar. 2004 .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Arthur Kornberg: A Nobel Laureate

Arthur Kornberg was born on March 3, 1918 in Brooklyn, New York. He was educated in Abraham Lincoln High School and continued his education at the City College of New York. This was where he first received his scientific training as he graduated with a degree in science in 1937. He received his medical degree in 1941 from the University of Rochester and proceeded with his internship in internal medicine. He then served in the U.S. Public Health Service as a commissioned officer where his first assignment was to be doctor in the Navy, serving as a ship’s doctor. Fortunately, he was given the opportunity to continue his research work as a scientist at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. He served at the NIH from 1942 to 1953. This is where he decided to direct his research to mainly concentrate with enzymes. Dr. Kornberg received further studies and training in enzymology. In New York University School of Medicine, he trained with Professor Severo Ochoa in 1946. A year later, he pursued enzymology with Professor Carl Cori at the Washington University School of Medicine. He later returned to service at the NIH and became the organizer and director of the Institute’s Enzyme Section. He later received an offer as the chairman of the Department of Microbiology of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri prompting him to resign his position of Medical Director in Bethesda. He later transferred to Standford University School of Medicine in 1959. This is where he organized a Department of Biochemistry and served as the chairman until 1969. After his term, he served as a professor and in 1988 he accepted the title Professor Emeritus (Kornberg 2005, & Kumin 2005). Dr. Kornberg devoted most of his studies isolating and purifying enzymes significant in cellular machinery. Until the first half of the 20th century, questions on enzymatic function and their cellular specificity were left unanswered. This became Dr. Kornberg’s primary area  of interest. In 1941, Beadle and Tatum from Standford demonstrated that through chemical functions, genes control life processes. Immediately after this discovery, Oswald Avery and his team from the Rockefellar Institute asserted that DNA drives this process instead of proteins, which was the primary assumption of the scientific community. Later, the famous James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the first detailed model of the DNA, demonstrating its structure as the well-known double helix (McCook 2007 and 2007). The primary subject of Kornberg’s research was due to his interest in discovery enzymatic mechanisms and functions. Together with Dr. Severo Ochoa, he discovered the ezyme Polymerase I which is the primary catalyst of DNA synthesis. They were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1959 for their elucidation of the basic DNA replication mechanisms (Kumin 2007 and McCook 2007). This success of Kornberg in producing a chemically exact and inert genetic material called the DNA is a milestone in the field of biochemistry. It is an important leap towards the understanding of the material that compose the genes. This is important in the issues and questions on inheritance and transmission of traits ( 2007). Kornberg and Ochoa both specialized on the field of protein biochemistry. But this breakthrough discovery was actually concerned mainly on the field of molecular genetics. His primary technique was to isolate enzymes in a chemist’s lab and comprehending them biologically. This is a very significant approach in understanding of cellular molecular biology. In 1967, Kornberg successfully synthesized the first active virus within a lab. It was identified as PhiX174, a biologically active virus synthesized by a biochemist (Kumin 2007 and Altman 2007). After his extensive research on enzymatic synthesis of coenzymes and inorganic pyrophosphate, his interest led him to the study of the biosynthesis of nucleic acids,  particularly DNA. He demonstrated the pathways of pyrimidine and purine nucleotide synthesis, elaborating with the mechanisms and detailed steps on the process. Here, he found that there is an intermediate PRPP to the enzyme concerned in the assemblage of building blocks into DNA.   It was named as DNA polymerase. This particular enzyme is found in almost all cellular systems that synthesize genetically precise DNA. This is very important in the processes of replication, repair and rearrangements of DNA. Further research identified enzymes responsible for DNA metabolism, allowing the initiation and elongation of DNA chains and chromosomes. This paved the way for the discovery of recombinant DNA, a breakthrough technology that ignited the biotechnological revolution (Kornberg, 2005). After decades in the research on DNA replication, he diverted his concentration to studies in inorganic polyphosphate (poly P) in 1991. Poly P is a phosphate polymer that was hypothesized to have participated in prebiotic evolution. This polymer is basically found in every bacterial, plant, and animal cells. It has been dismissed as simply a molecular fossil, Kornberg found that there are different functions for poly P including stress responses, motility, and virulence in some pathogens (Kornberg, 2005). Besides conducting research studies, he has other pursuits such as educating graduate, medical and postdoctoral students. He also authored several monographs such as â€Å"DNA Synthesis† in 1974, â€Å"DNA Replication† in 1980, â€Å"Supplement to DNA Replication† in 1982, and Second Edition of â€Å"DNA Replication† in 1992. He also published a scientific autobiography entitled â€Å"For the Love of Enzymes: The Odyssey of a Biochemist† in 1989. Published by Univesity Science Books in July 1995, he released his book entitled â€Å"The Golden Helix: Inside Biotech Venutre† which provided insights on the biotechnology from an expert (Kornberg, 2005). His academic career included his presidency of the American Society of Biological Chemistry in 1965. He also served as a president on advisory boards and councils of numerous universities, governmental, and industrial research facilities. He founded the  DNAX Research Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology that is a division of Schering-Plough, Inc. He also served as a member of its Policy and Scientific Advisory Boards. Futhermore, he served on the Scientific Advisory Boards of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Maxygen, and the Xoma Corp., and was also a member of the Board of Directors of XOMA Corporation (Kornberg 2005). Contributing further to his excellent curriculum vitae, he has received honors and gained memberships in the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society, American Philosophical Society, and a number of honorary degrees such as the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1959, the National Medal of Science in 1979, the Cosmos Club Award in 1995, and more. Arthur Kornberg died on March 26, 2007 due to respiratory complications (Kornberg, 2005 and Altman 2007). Undoubtedly, Kornberg’s contribution to the biotechnological society is unwavering. His research has paved the way for most of the scientific advances that the world is currently witnessing. His studies have proven indispensable in the understanding of human heredity, cellular mechanisms, and pyrophosphate functions. References Altman, Lawrence K. (2007). â€Å"Arthur Kornberg, Biochemist, Dies at 89.† New York Times. Site last accessed December 12, 2007 from Kornberg, Arthur (2005) â€Å"Autobiography: Arthur Kornberg.† Site last accessed on December 12, 2007 from Kumin, Jochen (2007). â€Å"Arthur Kornberg (1918- ). About Biotech. Site last accessed on December 12, 2007 from McCook, Alison (2007). â€Å"Arthur Kornber Dies.† Site last accessed on December 12, 2007 from â€Å"Arthur Kornberg† (2007). Site last accessed on December 12, 2007 from          Â